Hi, I am Mr.Irfan M.Hawaldar became a Librarian in 2005 after completing of my M.L.I.Sc. at Karnatak University, Dharwad. After I began working as Librarian at Peoples Education Society & Trust’s Belgaum
I am thrilled to be involved in the library profession. My job gives me an opportunity to use my information seeking skills as well as to indulge my web publishing and instruction interests. I have met many wonderful and talented people working in this profession. It has been very fulfilling to help people find the information that they are seeking by using unique and unusual resources.

One thing that really impresses me about librarianship is its dedication to services, and provides live online access to the skills of participating librarians. Together, we are providing unprecedented service to the end users in this regard and blazing a trail for other efforts of this type to follow.
Ultimately, I want to continually be a part of this profession because the future of web librarianship is wide open. There has never been a better time to be an information provider, particularly if you are skilled in web technology. The power of the Internet and the as yet untapped potential of libraries utilizing web technology in creative ways makes this profession a very exciting one for me.
Presently working as a Librarian in Library and Information Center in PES&T’s “Belgaum Institute of Management Studies (MBA) (BIMS (MBA)), Belgaum.

Article Under Construction.......

Awareness of Electronic resources among the Social Science Research Scholars.

Scope of the Study:

This article focus on the problems of social science research scholars those who depend only on hard copy of information instead of using the e-resources which is available huge collection in World Wide Web. So far it is due to unawareness of resources (e-resources) or computer illiterately, to find out the problems. The Study of “Awareness of E-Resources among social science research scholars” is taken up to study these issues.

In era of information technology and rapid growth of electronic resources, generation of the 21st are moving towards the utilization of the e-resources; e-resources are invented for the save the time of users as well as resources to
